Paging Systems in Houston
Do You Need An Overhead Paging System For Your Office or Warehouse?
A paging system in Houston within an office or retail space is a valuable asset when immediate communication is required. A phone intercom system doesn’t only page other personnel within a business, but can also be used as a marketing and entertainment tool geared toward your customer base.
Do you need an overhead paging system?
The Best Overhead Paging System For Your Business
We offer the best in overhead paging systems from manufacturers including Valcom, Bogen, Wheelock, Speco, and Viking. They all come feature-packed, including zone paging systems, group calls as well as two way communication and system alerts.
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Tips on a Paging System in Houston
One of the most important uses of phone intercom products is increased security.
Instead of the business having an open door policy, owners can set up an intercom system as a way to screen who comes in and out of their building. This practice reduces the risk of an unknown individual posing a threat to the business or personnel.
Additionally, paging systems can act as a way to alert employees and customers in case of an emergency. Evacuation and emergency instructions can be broadcast instantly and in turn, reduce the company’s liability.
Do you need guidance in installing a paging system in Houston? Then, allow the experts at Amtel help you make a smart buying decision regarding a new phone intercom system. We sell and install systems from top manufacturers such as Valcom, Speco, and Bogen. Most importantly, we offer technical support and repair assistance once the paging system is installed. Give us a call today at 713-977-1000 or fill out our short form to learn more about our business phone and intercom services.
Businesses that benefit from paging systems
Most businesses have a specific need for a paging system. We’ve installed phone and paging systems in:
- Warehouses (announcements and safety control)
- Medical Buildings (light background music, announcements, patient locator, safety control)
- Call Centers (ambient noise, light background music, announcements)
- Educational Facilities (announcements, bell schedule, safety control)
- Hospitality (light background music, safety control)
- Churches (announcements, safety control)
- Restaurants (light background music, safety control, customer locator)
Allow Amtel to install your overhead intercom paging system, and configure it to work with your business phone system.
Phone Intercom System Requirements
Many paging systems can be integrated as part of a business phone system. As part of the intercom system, the appropriate type of speakers needs to be installed. In-ceiling speakers are typically adequate for offices where noise is kept at a minimal. Horns and amplifiers will usually be recommended in louder environments or when broadcasts need to cover a larger area. Horns are also ideal if paging needs to be done in outdoor areas where weatherproofing is an issue. This could include a parking lot or a sports arena. Modern paging systems are highly efficient and each speaker may only require less than 10 watts of power. A 15-watt amplifier can usually handle as many as three speakers as long as it isn’t placed a significant distance away from the speakers.

Contact Amtel - Your Phone Guys
Your Trusted Choice for Paging Systems in Houston
Your Phone Guys specializes in providing customized overhead paging services in Houston, TX, and the surrounding area. Contact us today for a free quote or onsite demonstration.